The Travels of Ma and Pa Turtle

Our summer travels in 2013 – 2015 were made with our fifth wheel.  In May of 2016, we purchased a smaller travel trailer that would allow us to camp in places where our fifth wheel was just too large, like many state and national parks.  We’ll still use our fifth wheel for wintering in Florida….more room, you know.  In addition to our new travel trailer, I also had to create a new blog site because the first site, Tales from the Turtle Shell, was getting full.  I’ve linked this site with Tales from the Turtle Shell, so you may have been redirected here.  In any event, I hope you enjoy reading about our travels, either in the fifth wheel or the travel trailer.

Summer Travels

Click on Tales from the Turtle Shell or in the Turtle Blogroll if you want to get back to that site.  We’ve seen some amazing things while traveling in our fifth wheel that I think you will enjoy.

You can also click on Tales from the Turtle Shell – Europe or in the Turtle Blogroll to read about our adventures in Europe.  We were there in 2012 and hope to travel there again in the future.  We had a wonderful time there.

As you can see, we enjoy traveling, so stay tuned for my posts.